
I’m Melinda.

I’m a results-driven business coach for ambitious massage + beauty professionals just like you. I’ll help you find massive value in your practice so you can scale your business and charge premium rates–without working loads of hours.

So jump in and get ready to power-up your authority, put a spotlight on your expertise, and become THE go-to expert that your perfect-fit clients are dreaming of.

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Authority-based content for Facebook + Instagram + Email

How can I help?

Online Courses for Massage Therapists and Beauty Professionals

Online Courses

Discover your authority position, leverage your expertise, create a powerful marketing strategy and more!

Business Master's Course for Massage Therapists and Beauty Professionals

Business Master's Course

A complete and strategic transformation of your entire business.

Social Media Course for Massage Therapists and Beauty Professionals

What Do You Do?

Knowing – and being able to effectively communicate – exactly what you do will explode your revenue!

Business Coach for Massage and Beauty Professionals


I’ve been where you are…

Hoping and wishing for a full schedule of amazing clients, coming up with discount after discount in an attempt to generate some kind of revenue, and struggling to find my perfect place in the magical world of private practice.

Years spent sacrificing time with my family, trying to “wing” my business into success, only left me feeling defeated and broke.

Now, every new practice I open is filled with my perfect-fit clients in record time–while charging twice the average rate. And I’m here to teach you how to do the same in your practice!

But how did I get here?

I trashed my entire business, on purpose. A brand-new marketing strategy, backed by a powerful What Do You DO™ statement, and a complete and strategic transformation of my services lead me to a level of success I never thought possible.

It’s the exact thing I love teaching because I believe you deserve to earn an income that accurately reflects your authority + expertise, in a practice filled with your perfect-fit clients.

Want to find out how you can have financial abundance, too?

Client Wins

“From making $2000 a month to now making $3900 a month, my business is giving me the motivation I need to keep going.”

“Because of the work done with Melinda…today I broke past what I earned in my practice last year and there’s still 3 months to go!”

“Thanks to Melinda’s coaching, I was able to pay off my car 2 years early, go on a vacation and pay down one of my credit cards by 50%.”

“Melinda’s continued support this past year has increased my income by $15K and I’m looking forward to another $20K this year!”

Copyright ©2023 Melinda Hastings | Built by Bonny J. Clayton